About Me

small town, southern idaho, United States
i am on a mission. a mission to find myself. i'm extremely over weight and have recently been diagnosed as bi polar with severe anxiety disorder. getting my life together at this point is a challange but one i know i can over come. i have a wonderful husband and two amazing children. this is a blog dedicated to my ups and downs on this road to rediscovering who i am and who i can be.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

hello blogging world

first things first, i would like to give credit where credit is due.  to my dear friend, Julie - there just aren't enough words to tell you how much your posts on FB have inspired and motivated me to finally get off my butt and make some changes in my life.  i <3 you to pieces.

and now on with the blog :)

the main purpose of the blog is to assist myself with my quest to get to a healthy weight as well as a sounding board for the extreme emotions i am dealing with as my medication gets evened out.  i'm all over the place 99% of the time so i thought maybe a place to keep all my thoughts and ramblings would be good for me. 

this morning, i did the 30 day shred for the first time.  baby girl was up early (we're talking 3am early) and went back to be about 530 so i stayed up and worked out.  i feel awesome.  i accomplished the first day of working out.  and that feels great.  how i feel tomorrow when i'm sore as hell, well we shall see then :)

i will post my weight + or - along with my food journal each monday or at least that is my plan.  my goal is to lose 50 pounds by my birthday in June and my ulimate goal is to lose about 120 pounds total.  i can do this, i just have to put my mind to it and stick with it. 

so welcome to my blog.  this is me :)