About Me

small town, southern idaho, United States
i am on a mission. a mission to find myself. i'm extremely over weight and have recently been diagnosed as bi polar with severe anxiety disorder. getting my life together at this point is a challange but one i know i can over come. i have a wonderful husband and two amazing children. this is a blog dedicated to my ups and downs on this road to rediscovering who i am and who i can be.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

i did it i did it!!

it was so hard to drag my butt out of bed this morning when R got home but i did it and went to work out for about 1/2 hour.  not a long work out but i didn't want to hurt myself so i listened to my body and stopped when I thought I should.  Came home and had a protein shake and have been on the go around the house ever since.  Also only took 2 lithium last night again and I feel really good.  Even Megan is dressed and has her hair all done so pretty today and we aren't going anywhere.  I haven't showered yet because I'm waiting for my sis in law to come over that way i don't have to worry about megan climbing the walls while i shower.  Point is that i actually care about these things where before i really didn't.  4 days into January and it really has been a great year :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

yay 2012

happy new year!!! i can honestly say i have never started a year with such a positive attitude. i am looking forward to this new year and this fresh start.  I got R a 3 month membership to the rec center for Christmas and he started going today.  I have come to the conclusion that a gym membership for me is a waste of money.  the only time of day i can guarantee that i can get to workout is at 5am when R gets home from work.  we have a fitness center at the apartment we will in so when he gets home i will just go down there for an hour or so.  tomorrow is day one.  i am excited to get started.

in other news of me i've decided i want to get off my lithium.  i have been losing important things with zero recolection of ever having them along with other bad side effects that are getting worse not better with time.  i am going to wean off of them slowly and i have an appt with a new doctor in 2 weeks to discuss not only my being bipolar but also my weight and hopfully i can get some help there too. 

oh and i other HUGE news - R's sister is back in our lives again.  she has meant so much to me since i met her but she has had a rough 5 years or so.  she is an amazingly strong person and i am beyond excited to have her and our 2 year old nephew in our lives :)

so there's the update.