About Me

small town, southern idaho, United States
i am on a mission. a mission to find myself. i'm extremely over weight and have recently been diagnosed as bi polar with severe anxiety disorder. getting my life together at this point is a challange but one i know i can over come. i have a wonderful husband and two amazing children. this is a blog dedicated to my ups and downs on this road to rediscovering who i am and who i can be.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

hello again blogging world

it has been a very long time since i have blogged.  so long in fact that i forgot i even had a blog.  i was reminded when i tried to start a new one.  so here i am again.  still over weight (morbidly - isn't that a terrible word?) and still trying to find the right mix of medication to help level me out.  we have moved to a smaller place to save money and to be closer to R's work.  we are now a one car family so R has went to the night shift at work so the kids and i can have the car during the day.  it has been a year of adjustment for all of us.  so many ups and downs.  at the end of the day, we still have each other and that is what matters. 

over 2 years ago, i quit smoking.  it was horrible!!!  with the help of great friends i was able to get through.  i made it to 1 year, 10 1/2 months.  with all the stress of everything - i caved.  and then of course once i came clean to R, it wasn't long before he started again too.  i haven't been smoking even half what i used to but still, smoking is freaking expensive.  being as broke as we are, i have decided to quit.  again.  November 1st is the day.  i had buy M's costume at the dollar store and i had to buy J's with his allowance money with a promise to pay him back.  it isn't worth it.  yes it helps my stress greatly but i will have to find a different way to deal with stress.  it causes me more stress to have to tell my kids no all the time because we can't afford things.  i am not fooling myself into thinking my quitting smoking (savings of about $80-$100/month) will fix all our problems money wise BUT i have to do something.  i don't have a job, i bring in no money to the house.  i figure the least i can do is keep what i spend on me to a minimum.  so i'm quitting again.  Lord save us all.

our local recreation center has some pretty awesome deals on memberships.  i found out for less than $50/month R and i can have a membership with unlimited access to the gym, indoor walking track and fitness classes (water aerobics in the summer, zumba, kickboxing etc.).  we will be signing up for that on Nov. 4th. (payday) so see?  i will have to quit.  i will use my smoking money on the gym.  what better way to spend that money?  the next payday, i am taking my smoking money and putting it towards chirstmas for the kids. 

so as i get set to start the next journey, i am sure this blog will see some action =)

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